“We will be the leading creator of unique drinks to promote the well being of all the stakeholders”
T.A.C.C. is committed to become a leader in non-alcoholic drink segment both in B2B and consumer markets domestically and in CMLC group of countries, Cambodia, Myanmar, Laos and China. We will solidify our position as a leader by contributing to:
• customers, by creating customer satisfaction from making high quality product sold at reasonable price;
• trading partners, by emphasizing on sustainable and long term trading relationships;
• the society, in taking part in improving quality of lives and the environment; and
• the organization, by providing satisfactory return to shareholders and compensation to employees.
1. Maintain our status as a leader in green tea market in Cambodia.
2. Increase sales value in international market by maintaining existing customer base and tapping into new consumer groups.
3. Focus on continuous product development to create a competitive advantage.
4. Grow with major trading partners sustainably with emphasis on partnership.
5. Strengthen distribution channels in domestic and international markets.
The Company values good corporate governance as we envision that the effective management, the transparency and the accountability will be brought about by the good governance principle we adhere to. Good corporate governance should help establish trust and confidence for shareholders, investors and all the stakeholders. It should also assist our organization in adding value, creating competitive advantage and supporting growth in the long run. For these reasons, the Company enacted good corporate governance principle under the guideline set by the Stock Exchange of Thailand in five areas.
The Company conducts its business by regarding to and recognizing the importance of corporate social responsibilities. Corporate social responsibilities encompass responsibilities to shareholders, trading partners, employees, the community and the society. These would help secure sustainability in doing business, steady growth and social acceptance. The concept is instilled into our employees at every level, namely, the board of directors, management executives, department managers and other stakeholders for them to uphold consistently. Our operating policy highlights seven areas of social responsibilities as follows:
In conducting business, the Company stresses steady and sustainable business growth. Its business practices are cautious, honest and professional, transparent and in accordance with applicable rules, regulations and laws as well as adhering to the Stock Exchange of Thailand’s good corporate governance principle. The Company treats trading partners and creditors fairly, equitably, strictly abiding by trading terms, and/or agreement without any exploitation in order to maintain mutually beneficial business relationship. The Company also treat competitors fairly. It shall not scandalize, attack or tarnish competitors’ reputation.
The Company gives precedence to its anti-corruption policy. Every form of corruption is not to be tolerated. We foster the anti-corruption concept so that management and employees realize the danger of corruption. We also emphasize creating the right value and attitude for employees to perform duties with honesty and not to seek any other benefits from their positions held in the Company either directly or indirectly for themselves or the others. Employees are prohibited from using their positions in the Company to personal’s or family’s interest. In so doing, the Company builds trust the stakeholders have towards the Company.
The Company values and respects the human right and treat employees equitably and fairly regardless of race, religion, sex or physical condition. We emphasize as our corporate culture the pleasant working atmosphere where employees have respect for the differences in each other and encourage employees to contribute either directly or indirectly to the society.
The Company is determined to develop human resources by recruiting, developing, promoting and retaining effective personnel in order that the Company can meet its business goals effectively. We offer competitive remuneration package commensurate with level of skill and competency of each individual employee as compared to other companies in the same industry. Reasonable assistance and fringe benefits are also provided to employees. In addition, the Company organizes trainings on a regular basis for employees to improve on their skills and to progress in their career. We also take opinions from employees directly and indirectly in order for us to solve problems and to improve on effectiveness in the work place.
The Company focuses on developing unique beverages to promote consumers’ quality of lives. With our determination to serve consumers’ needs and awareness of consumers’ lifestyles, we are committed to handing over well being to everyone so that we have the strong society by offering fair trading term and providing for correct and adequate product information without exaggeration.
To assure our customers of high product quality, we have been certified with the followings:
• GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice)
A GMP is a system for ensuring that food products are produced safely. The Company’s plant in Ampur Banbeung, Chonburi is GMP-certified. It is the basic certification for food product manufacturer.
• HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point)
HACCP is a systematic preventive approach to food safety from biological, chemical and physical hazards in production processes. The Company’s plant in Ampur Banbeung, Chonburi is certified for HACCP.
• Healthier Choice
Healthier Choice symbol has been received from Singapore’s Health Promotion Board to certify that the Company makes healthier drink by controlling the level of sweetness.
The Company gives priority to social responsibilities in every respect including environmental impact that might result from our operations. We also encourage our staff members to be considerate to the environment and to help preserve the environment through activities within and outside the organization.
The Company always highly regards that the strong community and society are indispensible factors for our business growth to be sustained. Therefore, we took part in sponsoring several social activities, namely:
Donation of our products to the Foundation for the Blind in Thailand under the royal patronage of H.M. the Queen.
As part of its ‘Sharing Happiness with Children Campaign’, T.A.C.Consumer PCL gave Zenya Green Tea to "Pakkred Home for Children with Disabilities" for distribution to other charitable organizations such as, Pakkred Home for Children with Disabilities, Pakkred Remand Home for Boys, Pakkred Home for Boys, Home for Welfare Protection and Occupation Development, Kredtrakarn Home, Home for Children with Intellectual Disabilities.
Chanit Suwanparin, Managing Director, T.A.C.Consumer PCL (TACC)’s Managing Director and Suveeraya Ansavananda, TACC’s Director of Key Accounts and Communications and the Public Relations presented water purifiers complete with installation to Nongplalai School and Nongkanam School in Chonburi, the two schools located in the area neighboring to TACC’s plant in Banbueng, Chonburi.
From now on, students may drink clean water from the purifier. The goal of the sharing campaign was to sponsor and promote the spirit of volunteering and social activities.
Suveeraya Ansavananda, T.A.C.Consumer PCL (TACC)’s Director of Key Accounts and Communications and the Public Relations Team lead TACC staff team to donate blood at Thai Red Cross last September (2015), one of the Company’s regular CSR activities. TACC provides for opportunities for management and staff to contribute to the society through various CSR projects. The blood donation campaign helped Thai Red Cross maintain its stock at blood bank for treatment of patients and for saving lives of people experiencing accidents.
Annual donation of our products to Wat Arun and Wat Rakhang Khositaram for the new year praying event.
The Company encourages studying and researching of new innovations to increase working capabilities, with social and stakeholder responsibilities. The Company will not violate and intellectual properties or copyrights.