Dayan was originally a normal cat who lived on Earth. One snowy day, a mysterious gate controlled by the Snow God Eurocka was opened, Dayan came down to Wachifield. Right after Dayan came to Wachifield, he became friends with many animals and began to live in the town of Tachiel in Wachifield. In here, animals can stand, walk and talk, and filled with magic and fairy pranks.
His mysterious eyes are impressive, nobody can guess what he is thinking. He came to the town of Tachiel by the snow magic of Eurocka. Dayan began to live alone in a forest watchman’s cabin on the outskirts of the town and made many cheerful friends like Marcy, Iwan and Jitan. He starts off for small adventurous trips with his playmates, enjoys a cozy siesta, prepares for seasonal festivals, and leads free and pleasant life.
Best friend since the first meeting with Dayan. She is the eldest of six children of the family and takes good care of her brothers and sisters. Smart and sweet Marcy is enjoying life surrounded by her dear family and friends. Marcy’s mother, Maple runs a dressmaking shop and a laundry in the town of Tachiel. Her father, Otto is an adventurer and seldom comes home, but he especially loves Marcy.
Jitan is a wise and reliable friend that Dayan admires as a fellow cat. He is known for his knowledge of things and his good judgement. No one knows where he comes from, and living as freely as the wind, Jitan is a cat as fascinating as he is mysterious. Jitan is a guest of Marjory Noel, a travelling circus troupe. He often accompanies the circus troupe when they go on regional tours. His best tricks are playing the violin and unicycling.
He lives alone in a cave in the forest, further into the mountains than Dayan’s cabin. He is a hard drinking alligator but is tender-hearted. He is reliable in case of emergency and is a precious friend of Dayan and Marcy. When he was a baby, came down from a zoo on earth to Wachifield. Now he has become a lumberman and is giving a helping hand to the forest. He can speak with the birds and trees.
She is a little girl with pure white fur that is as fluffy as a ball of yarn. Her mother was a beautiful white cat who died shortly after Vanilla was born.